What is the WCNOP?
The Worldwide Christian Network of Prayer has been established to serve as a hub for receiving and distributing prayer needs among our fellowship. It is an instrument to help the Believers Bible Institute(BBI) to focus prayer with one accord. It is to provide the
prayer agenda for producing the power of agreement.
Why do we need the World Network of Prayer?
i. Corporate, focused praying is scriptural and powerful:
“…if two shall agree it shall be done….” (Matthew 18:19)
“…they lifted up their voice to God with one accord….” (Acts 4:24)
ii. A prayer agenda is scripturally appropriate:
“Pray ye …the Lord of the harvest….” (Matthew 9:38)
“After this manner … pray ye….” (Matthew 6:9)
How does the Worldwide Christian Network of Prayer link up with the local church?
Prayer requests are sent to WCNOP by telephone, fax, letter, e-mail, WhatsApp and skype. When prayer requests are received, they are prayed for immediately through a chain of prayer in
our BiLD Centres. Requests are appropriately shared with other prayer groups in the network.
Specific prayer needs are assigned to local churches: prayer covering for specific leaders, missionaries, nations, cities, crusades, conferences, etc. Crisis needs are relayed by telephone, fax, e-mail, skype or WhatsApp to chains enlisting maximum prayer in minimum time.
Major communications from the WCNOP are sent out through the year to all enrolled.
Special communications are sent to our Licensed ministers in the fellowship-pastors, preachers and missionaries. In addition, there are special communications with specific churches/prayer groups for assigned requests.
Through phone and computer communication, we utilize e-mail, social media and the Internet by posting prayer requests, receiving prayer requests, and posting brief inspirational messages.
We encourage individuals to subscribe at After subscribing, members will receive high priority requests once a week via email.
It is suggested that a local church prayer minister be appointed to assist the pastor in maintaining integration with WCNOP as well as helping with local church prayer needs and maintaining the atmosphere of the church prayer room.
Churches, congregations, and individuals are encouraged to enroll in the Worldwide
Christian Network of Prayer.